For growing local businesses Adslot and Webfirm, instilling their culture in the architecture was imperative.
Level 2 419 Collins Street Melbourne
Photo Credits: Lilli Waters

Young, vibrant and fresh
Partner enterprises Adslot and Webfirm had out grown their previous shared space and were looking for a new environment that could represent the business's values and culture. Selecting the century old former Australian Mutual Provident Society building as their new home gave us the opportunity to begin with a completely clean slate. Set to the backdrop of exposed concrete floors and white finished walls, columns, exposed ceiling and services created a gallery like backdrop for the projects interventions.
"A curated display of sculptural objects posited within the gallery like space."
Each item of built form or inserted furniture piece was treated as an object to sit within the space independent of the buildings structure. Where possible spaces were divided by these object forms rather than fully enclosed rooms allowing for unimpeded circulation through and around these sculptural objects. These compositions of spaces, forms and circulation promoted a young, vibrant and fresh feel to the space.

Imbuing the space with identity
Reflecting the clients values went beyond the layout and massing of the space. The use of raw OSB board and Formply as well as choosing not to install ceilings or affect changes to the buildings existing fabric and services where possible was deliberately decided to harness both a unique palette but also to ensure the most efficient use of resources.

This light touch to the space reflected the clients values of corporate responsibility to the greater social discourse. Future changes to the space by the client or subsequent tenants will result in less wastage than a typical office refurbishment and promotes a legacy not common in this industry.
"The values are felt, seen and experienced. Not just spoken of."

A social heart for the team
A central focus of the design was to include a Social space in the centre of the floor that acted as a hub for the team to gather and connect. This environment provided for tiered seating for gathering and informal discussions, table tennis competitions and cooking classes and Masterchef-esque events.

The aesthetic of the social heart of space was emblematic of the total philosophy of the project, from the joinery finished in Formply to the island bench being constructed from steel workshop benches. The client's business is felt throughout all elements of the design.
